
A high-tech taxidermy owl with a detachable head. Photo Courtesy of Cheryl Dykstra

Urban Raptors: Notes from the Field, Part 2

Field notes by Cheryl Dykstra, co-editor of Urban Raptors Monday, May 14, 2018 Cincinnati, Ohio So happy our grad student Ania is back from Texas, having just finished her spring semester. Today is her second day, and the first day with our new undergrad intern Madison, a sophomore studying Environmental Biology.
Photo credit: Flock/bandada by user Rafael Edwards

Breaking Down the Human-Environment Barrier

While sitting in a board meeting of the Great Northern Large Landscape Cooperative recently the perennial question came up of if the organization that was working on a vast landscape from Yellowstone National Park to northern Canada needed more biological or social science in their program development. As I reflected on the question the answer came to me that my response would be that we need more of neither.

The Eureka Moment!

A hoary bat, Lasiurus cinereus.
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El Lobo's Uncertain Future

Mexican gray wolf, California Wolf Center. Photo by Cristina Eisenberg.
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Field Notes from Loreto

Puerto Escondido, south of Loreto. Photo by Heather Leslie.
