"This in-depth, illustrated biography...follows the evolution of Gehl's theories as he 'reconquers' cities from London to Sydney with pedestrianized streets, bike lanes, enriched 'edge environments' and more."
"A thoughtful tribute to an exceptional urbanist...Read People Cities to be inspired and to learn about Jan Gehl, his great influence, as well as his key collaborators; but most of all, read it to see the world in new ways, with hope for impacting the future, whatever your background or training may be."
Journal of Planning Education and Research
"A lively, optimistic, and energetic celebration of Jan Gehl's contribution to creating better cities and promoting a calmer, healthier more civilised life."
World Transport Journal
"Anyone interested in the life and legacy of Jan Gehl should read this book...very insightful."
Journal of Urban Affairs
"A highly readable account of the work of Jan Gehl …. the book emphasizes how ground-breaking his earlier methodological studies of life in public spaces were."
Urban Design Group
"Jam-packed with case studies, testimonials from Jan's colleagues, before and after images and informative illustrations, this ode to Jan Gehl's work makes for a captivating and entertaining read. For people unfamiliar with the work of Jan Gehl, this book provides a perfect overview of Jan's humanistic urban design approach which he has advocated and delivered for over fifty years. For people familiar with Jan's work, then this book will serve as an entertaining 'whistle stop' tour of over half a century of inspiring work."
Flourishing with Nature