
Creating Vibrant Downtowns for a New Century

Downtowns are more than economic engines: they are repositories of knowledge and culture and generators of new ideas, technology, and ventures. They are the heart of the city that drives its future. If we are to have healthy downtowns, we need to...

264 pages
6 x 9
100 b/w figures and photos

Creating Successful Green Infrastructure Networks

Vacant lots, so often seen as neighborhood blight, have the potential to be a key element of community revitalization. As manufacturing cities reinvent themselves after decades of lost jobs and population, abundant vacant land resources and...

200 pages
7 x 10
63 photos and figures

Linking Landscapes for Biodiversity Conservation and Climate Adaptation

Migrating wildlife species across the globe face a dire predicament as their traditional migratory routes are cut off by human encroachment. Forced into smaller and smaller patches of habitat, they must compete more aggressively for dwindling...

368 pages
6 x 9
25 photos, 25 illustrations

How to Save the Creatures that Feed Our World

We should thank a pollinator at every meal. These diminutive creatures fertilize a third of the crops we eat. Yet half of the 200,000 species of pollinators are threatened. Birds, bats, insects, and many other pollinators are disappearing,...

232 pages
6 x 9
15 photos

Regenerating Your Land and Growing Your Profits

Holistic management is a systems-thinking approach developed by biologist Allan Savory to restore the world’s grassland soils and minimize the damaging effects of climate change and desertification on humans and the natural world. This...

264 pages
8.5 x 11
23 photos, 47 illustrations

An Atlas of Ocean Pollution

Plastics have transformed every aspect of our lives. Yet the very properties that make them attractive—they are cheap to make, light, and durable—spell disaster when trash makes its way into the environment. Plastic Soup: An Atlas...

136 pages
7.76 x 11
Full color throughout

and the Mindless Drive for More

When it comes to food, Americans seem to have a pretty great deal. Our grocery stores are overflowing with countless varieties of convenient products. But like most bargains that are too good to be true, the modern food system relies on an...

344 pages
6 x 9

Edward O. Wilson—winner of two Pulitzer prizes, champion of biodiversity, and Faculty Emeritus at Harvard University—is arguably one of the most important thinkers of the twentieth century. Yet his celebrated career began not with an...

408 pages
6 x 9
52 illustrations

A Quest to Revive Ancient Wheat, Rural Jobs, and Healthy Food

"A compelling agricultural story skillfully told; environmentalists will eat it up." - Kirkus Reviews When Bob Quinn was a kid, a stranger at a county fair gave him a few kernels of an unusual grain. Little did he...

288 pages
6 x 9
16 photos
