What to Do About Coastal Storms and Rising Seas

A warming climate will bring stronger storms and rising seas to the nation’s coasts. Now is the time to reform and strengthen the national effort to prepare for growing coastal risks.

Cities’ Climate Innovations Are Driving the Next Urban Transformation

As Vancouver and other cities invent and implement ways to decarbonize their systems and strengthen resilience to climate change, we are reinventing the basic model for urban development that has prevailed since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.

The Least Sexy, Most Important Resilience Strategy

You probably don’t think of procurement —the steps governments take to obtain goods and services— as a way to create the resilient cities of the future. Think again.

We Should Prepare Now for the Next Hurricane

Hurricane Sandy was a traumatic experience that millions of Americans consider best forgotten. But as the pain of loss and hardship fades, so can the sense of urgency for rethinking our relationship to the coast.

Forgotten First Responders: Caregivers for Sick and Elderly

Caregivers are underappreciated and underutilized partners in disaster response. But with proper recognition and support, they could become a linchpin of successful disaster response.

4 Reads on Driving Environmental Change

Excerpts from four Island Press books highlight activists, organizations, and strategies from environmental movements in the past.
