Climate Activists' Surprising Ally: France's Yellow Vests

A healthier planet requires an overhaul of our economic system, and workers collaborating with climate justice movements would be doubly powerful. But the connections between them aren’t widely known.

Congress Must Take Action on Toxins

Toxic chemicals with known health impacts have contaminated drinking water in Michigan and across the nation. Government agencies have concealed the dangers. Sound familiar?

George H.W. Bush Put Environment Above Politics—We Must Too

The death of George H.W. Bush is cause to honor a man who made it possible for all Americans to breathe cleaner air. It also reminds us that partisan politics need not obstruct progress toward a healthier environment.
Island Press Field Notes blog

Hold the Soy, Save the Pollinators

Instead of compensating soybean farmers for losses, we should pay them to plant native perennials to protect bees and butterflies.

How Racial Discrimination in Housing Persists in D.C.

A mapping project from two local historians sheds light on the impact of racially-restrictive deed covenants that kept housing in DC segregated during the first half of the 20th Century.

Red Tides: An Unwelcome Reminder That Water Quality Matters

Strong federal protections are essential if we are to have healthy waters for our children and grandchildren. We all depend on safe and healthy waters, so we must pay attention when the Trump Administration rolls out its new water rules.
