Better Urban Design Can Help Curb Flooding

Given the new normal, it is time to rethink our approach to floods. The right infrastructure can prevent flooding, rather than treat it after the fact.

What Hurricanes Warn Us About the Future of Food

Whether from floods or fires or climate change-induced natural disasters, when roads collapse and interstate commerce grinds to a halt, we all find ourselves vulnerably dependent on the food at hand. 

#ForewordFriday: Oceans of Krill Edition

As I watched, mesmerized, this mass of crustaceans became a living brick-red raft, writhing on top of the water’s surface. The water became disturbed as thousands of krill flipped their muscular tails and leaped clear of the water, falling back like a shower of pink raindrops.

Leave No Worker Behind

Will the "just transition" movement survive mainstream adoption? 

3 Myths About Climate Adaptation Work

In order to widen the focus of climate adaptation, we need to dispel myths about climate work outside of our biggest downtowns.

#ForewordFriday: Ticks, Rising

As ticks move into new areas and enjoy longer seasons, they are changing millions of lives, driving up healthcare costs, and infusing a simple walk in the woods or picnic in a city park with fear. Lyme: The First Epidemic of Climate Change is a disquieting look at how Lyme disease has proliferated in a warming world.
