We Should Prepare Now for the Next Hurricane

Hurricane Sandy was a traumatic experience that millions of Americans consider best forgotten. But as the pain of loss and hardship fades, so can the sense of urgency for rethinking our relationship to the coast.

EPA's War on California

EPA’s regulatory powers should be used to promote environmental protection, not carry out vendettas against states taking climate action

Power Shutoffs: Playing with Fire

Climate fires are California’s new normal. This new normal requires new strategies, new technologies and new partnerships with America’s caregivers to ensure the sick, the elderly and the most vulnerable are climate and energy resilient.

Q&A with Urban Planner Lisa Nisenson

Urban planner Lisa Nisenson answers questions from the final webinar of our Saving Our Suburbs series with the authors of Suburban Remix.

#ForewordFriday: The Basics of Wildlife Law

Wildlife is an important and cherished element of our natural heritage in the United States. But state and federal laws governing the ways we interact with wildlife can be complex to interpret and apply. Navigating this legal terrain is trickier than ever as habitat for wildlife shrinks, technology gives us new ways to seek out wildlife, and unwanted human-wildlife interactions occur more frequently, sometimes with alarming and tragic outcomes.

#ForewordFriday: Unleash the Bus

Why fight for a better bus system? Steven Higashide explores this question in this chapter excerpt from Better Buses, Better Cities.

Forgotten First Responders: Caregivers for Sick and Elderly

Caregivers are underappreciated and underutilized partners in disaster response. But with proper recognition and support, they could become a linchpin of successful disaster response.
