Rampant Wildfires Will Affect Our Drinking Water

In a world of bigger, hotter fires, it is time to think of forests as vital infrastructure, and to invest in preserving these resources for the future

Why the US Clean Water Rule Needs to Stay in Place

We have many lessons to learn from the tragedies wrought by Hurricane Harvey, but among the most important is that a broken water cycle increases risks to our communities and economies.

Fight the attempt to kill the Clean Water Rule

In his February address to Congress, President Donald Trump promised clean water for all Americans. Why, then, is his administration intent on dismantling protections that cover a third of the nation's drinking water?
Photo credit: Fountain by Flickr.com user Nicola

Mexico: A Vital Water Partner

The last decade has seen a remarkable shift to the better in the relationship between the United States and Mexico over their shared water resources. But that positive turn is now under threat as the change in U.S. administration imposes an unexpected “reset” in the relationship between the two nations.
