Podcast: The Grand Food Bargain Author Kevin Walker

In the latest episode in our series of Urban Resilience Project (URP) podcasts in partnership with Infinite Earth Radio, host Mike Hancox speaks with Kevin Walker about The Grand Food Bargain, his new book that reveals the true costs of our seemingly cheap and convenient food system.

Six Health-Focused Fixes for SNAP

Debates over the next Farm Bill are sure to be as contentious as the last. But policymakers across the political spectrum can agree that our tax dollars should support better health and nutrition for SNAP recipients.

EPA Is Ignoring Full Benefits of Protecting People's Health

By ignoring the risks of fine particle emissions and understating environmental benefits, EPA is now tilting the balance away from sound, evidence-based regulations and the public health benefits they yield. 

Fairness After the Flood

Natural disasters are sometimes seen as great levelers, affecting rich and poor alike. The reality is different.
On Interning at Island Press

In Montana, Bridging Divides to Face a Changing Climate

In Montana, climate scientists are sitting down with the farmers and ranchers at the front lines of climate change. Together they're building resilience in the face of a new climate reality.
