Your Top Environmental Issues

What are the most pressing environmental issues today? We asked this question to Island Press readers in our most recent newsletter. More than 60 of you responded, and we are excited to share your thoughtful answers here. You can access a PDF version of this infographic here.

Island Press Around the World

Island Press works with publishers around the world to help our authors’ ideas reach a larger, global audience. Through this work, we have published books in at least 25 different languages.

On Interning at Island Press: It Takes a Team

Once upon a time, I was sure that I wanted to be an editor. I always liked reading and polishing people’s stories. It felt right to shape up someone's work, to see its beginning and see it transform into a finished product. But, as any recent English grad out there can attest, landing an editorial anything is difficult. So I joined Island Press in the spring as a social media and web intern, and it was not at all what I expected.

On Interning at Island Press: Spring with the Editors

My internship was a genuine peek into the meticulous field of publishing. I always had proper guidance and was never afraid to ask questions, which makes the office such a great place for learning.

Partners Make PARK(ing) Day Possible

What’s your daily routine? You get up, get dressed, tend to the daily chores, and start your commute. If you’re a city driver you know that you have a slog ahead of you. It’s not something we look forward to, but it’s something we must do to get ourselves to work on time. At the end of that commute there’s parking. 

On Interning at Island Press: Instilling Environmental Passion

As I approached the end of my third year of college, I knew it was time to gain real experience in marketing and publicity. While searching for an internship, Island Press caught my eye because I have always had an interest in books and the environment. Even though I did not have any background in publishing, I can definitely confirm that the publicity internship at Island Press was the perfect fit for me.

On Interning at Island Press: Beyond the Office Doors

The graphic adaptation of Naturalist, renowned scientist E.O. Wilson’s autobiography, has been in the works a long time, long before my internship at Island Press. Stops and starts have kept the project from moving ahead such that Ed himself has turned almost 90 years old! When I arrived at Island Press for the summer, though, it looked like—due to the hard work of everyone on the project—the pace was picking up again.
