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On Interning at Island Press: The Marketing and Publicity Departments

In this second installment, Micaela Samodelov writes about what it's like to intern in the marketing and publicity departments. I applied for a publicity internship at Island Press because I was drawn to the organization’s goal to provide individuals with the information and tools they need to put ideas into practice. Interning with the Marketing and Publicity department gives me the opportunity to learn firsthand about the ways the press connects its products to the audiences most likely to take full advantage of them.
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On Interning at Island Press: CAKE and the Development Department

What's it like to be an intern at Island Press? Nathalie von Veh gives you an idea in our first in the series: On Interning at Island Press. I came to Island Press with enthusiasm and excitement. Island Press bridged both my academic and personal interests. I was inspired by the organization’s commitment to initiate change with ideas. I started as an intern in January 2012 to work with CAKE (the Climate Change Adaptation Knowledge Exchange) and the Development department.
