ForewordFriday: Understanding Fragmentation

Migrating wildlife species across the globe face a dire predicament as their traditional migratory routes are cut off by human encroachment. Forced into smaller and smaller patches of habitat, they must compete more aggressively for dwindling food resources and territory. This is more than just an unfortunate side effect of human progress. As key species populations dwindle, ecosystems are losing resilience and face collapse, and along with them, the ecosystem services we depend on. Healthy ecosystems need healthy wildlife populations. One possible answer?

Meet Fred Tutman, the Patuxent Riverkeeper

Fred Tutman is the Patuxent Riverkeeper, one of a global network of 343 people who advocate for individual rivers. He’s also the nation’s only African-American Riverkeeper.

Why Affordable Housing is a Queer Issue

“When it comes to gentrifying neighborhoods, we want to make sure that we’re understanding how the broader community is impacting displacement in DC, whether it’s the arts community or the LGBT community.”

Podcast: The Grand Food Bargain Author Kevin Walker

In the latest episode in our series of Urban Resilience Project (URP) podcasts in partnership with Infinite Earth Radio, host Mike Hancox speaks with Kevin Walker about The Grand Food Bargain, his new book that reveals the true costs of our seemingly cheap and convenient food system.
