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Relaxation and the Mediator

This is a rare moment of relaxation for an environmental mediator. Several years ago I was plunged into the war over aircraft noise at Grand Canyon. For decades environmentalists and recreation interests had been pushing Congress and the courts for some regulations on the air tours over the Canyon. They yearned for quiet in which to enjoy and contemplate the wonders of this world-famous site. Certain favorite trails were directly under the flight pattern of the helicopters and fixed wing planes that offered tourists a spectacular experience, viewing the Canyon from the air.
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The Politics of Moving Towards a Multimodal Future: A Challenge for USDOT Secretary Nominee Anthony Foxx

When Ray LaHood was nominated by President Obama in December 2008, few transportation professionals knew much about the Republican Congressman from Illinois.  However, in just four and a half years, Secretary LaHood’s efforts in redirecting USDOT’s mission towards a multimodal transportation system should have an important role in moving America’s transportation system “Beyond Oil.”
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A Better Standard of Better Design

Design, declared Nobel economist Herbert Simon, means "changing existing situations into better ones." Wonderful, but who decides what's "better"?
