Let's Heal Kids, Not Harden Schools

Betsy DeVos has proposed to make federal funding available for schools to purchase weapons. But the proliferation of guns will not curb violence in schools.

Meet Our Inaugural Urbanist Journalism Fellows!

The Urban Resilience Project is partnering with Greater Greater Washington to support local writers interested in the forces that shape how Washington grows and develops. 

Don't Let the EPA Silence You in the Name of 'Transparency'

The Environmental Protection Agency's proposed “transparency rule” will eliminate vital info about the health impacts of toxic chemicals and prevent citizens from having a voice in EPA’s scientific process.

On Interning at Island Press: Instilling Environmental Passion

As I approached the end of my third year of college, I knew it was time to gain real experience in marketing and publicity. While searching for an internship, Island Press caught my eye because I have always had an interest in books and the environment. Even though I did not have any background in publishing, I can definitely confirm that the publicity internship at Island Press was the perfect fit for me.

On Interning at Island Press: Beyond the Office Doors

The graphic adaptation of Naturalist, renowned scientist E.O. Wilson’s autobiography, has been in the works a long time, long before my internship at Island Press. Stops and starts have kept the project from moving ahead such that Ed himself has turned almost 90 years old! When I arrived at Island Press for the summer, though, it looked like—due to the hard work of everyone on the project—the pace was picking up again.

Toxicology has advanced. The EPA needs to advance with it.

On the fourth of July, 1985, as the sun shone and the temperatures rose, people celebrated by eating watermelon. Then they got sick — becoming part of one of the nation’s largest episodes of foodborne illness caused by a pesticide. The outbreak began with a few upset stomachs in Oregon on July 3; by the next day, more than a dozen people in California were also doubling over with nausea, diarrhea, and stomach pain. A few suffered seizures.
