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Executive Orders for 2014: Dominick DellaSala

Back in November of 2013, President Obama issued an executive order on climate preparedness. Because executive orders circumvent Congress within certain limits, they allow the president to implement action to address climate change and other issues. A few weeks ago I asked some of our authors to create their own executive orders to improve our handling of the environment, and I'll be sharing their responses over the next two weeks.
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#ForewordFriday: Paths within Reach Edition

As a Sustainability Management graduate student, I was naturally captivated by the latest edition of the Worldwatch Institute's State of the World series Is Sustainability Still Possible?. This book provides the practices and policies that will steer us in the right direction to prosperity, without diminishing the well-being of future generations. As I prepare to graduate and start my career, State of the World 2013:
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The zero-sum game.

Terry Tamminen has a new post on Fast Company's blog about the carbon taxes and cap and trade:
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EPA "fighting to make up for lost time."

Over on Post Carbon, Juliet Eilperin notes the EPA's changing stance on greenhouse gases: Making a pitch to an international community that has demanded bolder action from Washington on climate change, [Environmental Protection Agency administrator Lisa] Jackson detailed a list of measures ranging from stricter fuel economy standards to the promotion of renewable offshore energy projects.
