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The zero-sum game.

Terry Tamminen has a new post on Fast Company's blog about the carbon taxes and cap and trade:
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EPA "fighting to make up for lost time."

Over on Post Carbon, Juliet Eilperin notes the EPA's changing stance on greenhouse gases: Making a pitch to an international community that has demanded bolder action from Washington on climate change, [Environmental Protection Agency administrator Lisa] Jackson detailed a list of measures ranging from stricter fuel economy standards to the promotion of renewable offshore energy projects.
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Is two degrees too much?

Today on Post Carbon, Juliet Eilperin writes: Back in the mid-1990s, the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change projected this would give the world a decent shot at avoiding dangerous climate impacts.
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Obama administration declares carbon emissions dangerous.

From the Washington Post: The Obama administration formally declared Monday that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions pose a danger to the public's health and welfare, a move that lays the groundwork for an economy-wide carbon cap even if Congress fails to enact climate legislation.
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Gasoline fumes and aggressive rats.

Over at Fast Company, Terry Tamminen notes the effects that tailpipes might have on human behavior in advance of COP15: New research from Cairo shows that rats become more belligerent when exposed to gasoline fumes and tailpipe pollution. If the same thing happens to humans, that might explain why the guy in the Escalade was waving his Smith & Wesson on the freeway in L.A. the other night, but it may also highlight the co-benefits of a low-carbon economy.
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The carbon calendar.

Tens of thousands of modern-day crusaders, charlatans, Nobel laureates, CEOs, quick-buck artists, earnest politicians, and assorted movie extras of every conceivable socio-political-ethnic-economic background will descend on Copenhagen for the next three weeks to participate in an orgy of carbon-bashing and flag-waving.
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Randy Olson on the Christianized Darwin Crusaders.

Last year comic actor Ben Stein bamboozled evolutionists with his anti-evolution movie "Expelled!". He hoodwinked evolutionists, even Richard Dawkins, into appearing in a movie that attacked them. Now Kirk Cameron -- Mike Seaver in the 80s sitcom Growing Pains -- is lending some star power to the vocally anti-evolution ranks with a plan to distribute 50,000 copies [on Nov. 22] of Charles Darwin's "Origin of Species" modified to fit his Christian beliefs and subvert the 150th anniversary of its publication.
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Electric speed freaks

When it comes to a love affair with a car, Americans want to know one thing – how fast can it go? That is why America is soon going to fall in love all over again, just like it did for the Mustang, the GTO, and the Shelby Cobra’s pedal but this time it will not be for loud internal combustion engines but instead for quiet electric cars.
