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New Guide Will Help You Take Action in the Streets

Maybe you've heard about Tactical Urbanism—a neighborhood building approach that harnesses the ingenuity and spirit of communities to quickly improve city life. If these projects inspire you, it's probably time to launch an intervention of your own.

Q&A with Grady Gammage

How can other suburban cities extract lessons from Phoenix’s successes to work towards their own sustainable future?

What Will a 21st Century Transportation System Look Like?

Last week, President Obama had this to say about the future of transportation at his final State of the Union Address: “Rather than subsidize the past, we should invest in the future — especially in communities that rely on fossil fuels. That’s why I’m going to push to change the way we manage our oil and coal resources, so that they better reflect the costs they impose on taxpayers and our planet.

What happens when disaster strikes during gridlock?

I was late for an appointment, sitting in traffic on one of the major arteries out of Washington DC. It was miserable, barely moving traffic of the kind that makes you whimper with frustration as yet another green light turns yellow, then red, as you inch along
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Travels Across the Pond

After two years at home, sitting in a darkened room trying to make sense of research notes, wrestling slippery arguments into a book, I took the show on the road, spending half of April travelling around the US. It felt great to be out in the open, breathing in crisp spring air, talking to strangers. (Thankfully, my ability to converse with real live people had not been lost during my exile.)
