Trump is Wrong about Climate Change, and Jobs Too

Donald Trump rode to the White House promising to bring back jobs for working-class Americans. But dismantling federal efforts to address climate change will make it harder to deliver on that promise.

Climate Denial Puts Infrastructure At Risk

Rather than pay much more down the road, President Trump should act now to build infrastructure that can withstand the effects of climate change

Fight the attempt to kill the Clean Water Rule

In his February address to Congress, President Donald Trump promised clean water for all Americans. Why, then, is his administration intent on dismantling protections that cover a third of the nation's drinking water?

Climate change raises the stakes for affordable health care

Today, more than 100 million Americans depend on healthcare safety-net programs: Medicare, Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act (ACA). But that safety net could be shredded if Dr. Tom Price—Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services—has his way.
