George H.W. Bush Put Environment Above Politics—We Must Too

The death of George H.W. Bush is cause to honor a man who made it possible for all Americans to breathe cleaner air. It also reminds us that partisan politics need not obstruct progress toward a healthier environment.

Let's Heal Kids, Not Harden Schools

Betsy DeVos has proposed to make federal funding available for schools to purchase weapons. But the proliferation of guns will not curb violence in schools.

Don't Let the EPA Silence You in the Name of 'Transparency'

The Environmental Protection Agency's proposed “transparency rule” will eliminate vital info about the health impacts of toxic chemicals and prevent citizens from having a voice in EPA’s scientific process.

Toxicology has advanced. The EPA needs to advance with it.

On the fourth of July, 1985, as the sun shone and the temperatures rose, people celebrated by eating watermelon. Then they got sick — becoming part of one of the nation’s largest episodes of foodborne illness caused by a pesticide. The outbreak began with a few upset stomachs in Oregon on July 3; by the next day, more than a dozen people in California were also doubling over with nausea, diarrhea, and stomach pain. A few suffered seizures.
Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Local Empowerment: A Q&A with Suzanne Bohan

In Twenty Years of Life, award-winning health journalist Suzanne Bohan shows that it’s not a lack of medical care or poor lifestyle choices behind much of the ill health and shortened lives in impoverished communities, but a dearth of political power. She illustrates why the most effective solution for improving health actually hinges on preventing disease in the first place.
