Jarrett Walker Podcast: Elephants, Wine, & the Century of Transit

Public transit consultant and author Jarrett Walker uses the metaphor of the elephant and the wine glass to talk about the things we know are true about space in cities. Interview from The Rail~Volution podcast featuring the plenary conversation at Rail~Volution 2018 in Pittsburgh.
Photo Credit: Shutterstock

#ForewordFriday: Not Sport. Transport.

Around the world, countries marvel at the Netherland’s impressive cycling culture and infrastructure while an insidious “that would never work here” attitude prevents real change from happening. But the Dutch overcame many of the same challenges as other car-clogged countries, and their story is an important model for moving the rest of the world toward a more human-scale, bike-friendly future.
Island Press bike month sweepstakes | West Town Bikes Chicago

Bike Month Sweepstakes Week Two: Chicago

This week we are spotlighting Chicago as city to look to for bicycle urbanism. Mikael Colville-Andersen, author of Copenhagenize and CEO of Copenhagenize Design Company, has chosen Chicago as one of his five favorite cities in America for bicycle infrastructure.
