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On Interning at Island Press: Corpse Flowers and Mythical Creatures

In this installment Web and Social Media Intern Jennifer Chow discusses how the summer's biggest trends helped her promote Island Press' media pages. Summer 2013 will always be remembered as the summer of the blooming Corpse Flower in the Smithsonian Botanical Gardens, the rumors of the extinct Megalodon, and days at Island Press filled with Tweets about breaking environmental news. All of this laid the perfect platform for witty tweets and Facebook and our Island Press Field Notes blog headlines.
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No One Can Stop Leaking Oil

Katie Valentine and Ryan Koronowski of ThinkProgress uncover what oil companies (and snow) have been keeping secret. A Canadian oil company still hasn’t been able to stop a series leaks from underground wells at a tar sands operation in Cold Lake, Alberta. The first leak was reported on May 20, with three others following in the weeks after — making it at least 10 weeks that oil has been flowing unabated.
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Island Press Staff Picks

This week's pick is from the Managing Editor of CAKE, Livia Kent:
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Soda Tax or Free Fruits and Veggies?

The soda wars are afizz again in two California communities. Voters in Richmond and El Monte will soon decide whether a penny-per-ounce tax on sugary drinks is an appropriate municipal policy to help combat obesity.
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#ForewordFriday Planning as if People Matter

The environmental justice movement is closely tied to urban planning and development. But, while planners and urban designers have made great strides in embracing the sustainability movement, social justice issues have not been getting the same attention. Of the three "e"s of sustainable planning—environment, economics, and equity—equity is the one most often left behind.
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Introducing Island Press Staff Picks

The 30 of us here at Island Press work on all stages of book publishing: from concept and manuscript development in the editorial department to outreach and promotions in the marketing and publicity department. Our program and fundraising staff develop initiatives to complement our books and authors. And the finished product can't happen without the production department designing covers and interiors, proofreading, and typesetting. All of this depends on the financial department, which tells us how much we can and can't spend.
