A car drives through a flooded street

Stop Building in Floodplains

While rivers will continue to overflow their banks in the era of climate change and record-breaking storms, we can limit the damage and suffering that result.

#ForewordFriday: Mastering the Basics

Savory explains that the major culprits of climate change are not fossil fuels and livestock, but our mismanagement of resources.

Plastic Soup Photos Illuminate Ocean Pollution

Plastics have transformed every aspect of our lives. Yet the very properties that make them attractive—they are cheap to make, light, and durable—spell disaster when trash makes its way into the environment. Recent bans on single-use straws and bags have increased awareness of this issue. But, for most people, the full extent of our plastic problem is difficult to grasp.
On Interning at Island Press

In Montana, Bridging Divides to Face a Changing Climate

In Montana, climate scientists are sitting down with the farmers and ranchers at the front lines of climate change. Together they're building resilience in the face of a new climate reality.

Build a Border Wall? Here's a Better Idea

What border communities really need are solutions to address economic, health and climate problems — and the mesquite tree can help.

#FOREWORD FRIDAY: What's It Going to Take?

Before he announced his candidacy for president, Jay Inslee was an Island Press author dedicated to igniting America's clean energy economy.
